Listening to Jake Robison’s Como Mansion, you’d never know it was his debut album. It’s an assured hand sketching Mansion’s charcoal portraits of simple love, bruised souls and grasping at whatever pleasures the world can offer, moving so confidently through these 11 songs, each redolent of an appreciation for troubadours whose music is beloved, even if the mainstream doesn’t always appreciate their particular skills of observation. The Fort Worth singer-songwriter, working mostly in a folk vein with occasional detours into full-blown country, vocally recalls Ryan Adams, circa the amphetamine grit of Heartbreaker (close your eyes during Darkest of Times, and you’d swear you’re listening to an Adams outtake), but instead of slavish recreation, Robison uses his gifts to craft a richly compelling follow-up to his 2012 EP Simple Recordings.
Jake Robison – Como Mansion (2015)